Open Source
Deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain. Fully Decentralized, available for EVERYONE to use and see. Total Supply 1 Billion Tokens.

Low Fees
Transaction fees paid in Ethereum, usually cost less than 0.003 Ether

Fast Transactions
Transactions processed by the Ethereum Miners, one of the largest mining networks in the world, this ensures transactions are fast and reliable.

Third Party Wallets
Third Party Wallets ensures that only you can access your accounts. We cannot freeze your wallets or touch your coins and we can never charge you for accessing your funds!

Secure Network ensures that only real transactions can appear. There is no way for anyone to create more coins or fake transactions.

Distribution Phase
Open to everyone at the same time. 900 Million Coins for Sale in Distribution Phase.
Click here for more info

Why choose TBC2 Coin?
TBC2 Coin is a legitimate open source cryptocurrency deployed on the Ethereum Network. Users and community members can use TBC2 Coin safe in the knowledge that the network and wallets are decentralized and we can never freeze your accounts, wallets or coins and we can never charge “access” fees.