Crypto Bitcoin Business Currency Blockchain
Another month marches on quickly & there is much afoot in the world of cryptocurrency!
Healthy signs as BTC & ETH surge upwards nicely for the principal coin to break $28,00 barrier, despite a shockwave of the plummeting USDC stable coin (albeit temporary) from Silicon Valley bank demonstrating yet further mismanagement by such large organisations.
TBC2 inches along in our final stages of being fully distributed and we still have our sights firmly set on the Defi and the Metaverse.
It is fair to say that DeFi offers a massive improvement in transparency. And not wishing to be glib, for the first time the financial system itself is no longer a black box to users. In the DeFi space, users can trust code instead of corporations.
We are so pleased that we have achieved almost 1,900 members since the launch of TBC2 and excited of what lies ahead; we continue to welcome new members and our existing community members to continue to share in referring new people in and benefit from the Promotion/marketing allocation. In doing so, to avail a massive 13 million TBC2 coins that are available as a 50% incentive for the remaining coins in Round 8.
Once done, we are confident we will sail through the final, Round 9 of 50 million coins..
2023 is our year, let´s stride forward with confidence.
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