As many of you reading this are probably aware, we did not send a newsletter in September. Everything is fine, we have just been extremely busy this month working on our cryptocurrency video. We have mentioned in the past that we are working on making cryptocurrency more mainstream and accessible, the first step towards this goal is making cryptocurrency less scary to the everyday person.
Our cryptocurrency video, “Cryptocurrency Explained” aims to give viewers an introduction to the industry and the technology in a relaxed manner. We have not simply sat down at a table with a smart phone and ranted for hours about algorithms and the technology behind blockchain.
We spent a lot of September back and forth between the video production company and editors. We originally planned for the video to be out and ready by the end of September and we delayed the newsletter in order to announce when it was ready for public viewing. With the many weeks of editing and discussions in-house, as well as test screenings, there were some delays with getting the video ready for distribution in time for the end of the month.
The video is now with the distribution company who has submitted it to the video platform. As soon as we have had word that the video processing has been completed by the platform we will send out a special follow-up newsletter with a link where the video can be viewed.
On a parting note. The current round (Round 4) is now over 50% sold and after the release of our video we expect the rest of the round to go quickly. If you have not yet purchased TBC2 Coins, now might be the time to do it, before the rest of this round is gone. The next round is our TBC2 Coin Community Air Drop, where we are giving away $2 million worth of coins to all existing TBC2 Coin holders.
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